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its annoying

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its annoying  Empty its annoying

Post by 191 wourld clubs Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:14 pm

yesterday my striker Ziguy Badibangariker scored 2 goals and today he did scored another 2 goals but b4 those 2 games he had already played 2 games and hadn't scored but the last 2 games he did scored 4 goals so he was supposed to be with 4 goals in 4 games but instead he just have 2 goals in 3 games and that not fair, plus yesterday i did played with another 2 players: my right def Harry Worley played his first game and scored 1 goal but there it says 0 games 0 goals and my goalkeeper Tomasz Kuszczak also played his first game yesterday but also there says 0 games and its not the first time it happened so this its mad its crazy, the owners of the simsoc game can go to 191 World Clubs and check it out and they must do something about this annoying things happening because that not good enough not fair you must fix the all errors been happening on this simsoc game. Mad

191 wourld clubs

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its annoying  Empty Re: its annoying

Post by Mr Rideout Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:00 pm

It looks like it's only counting league games not cup games as yesterdays game was a cup game. Not sure if that is for all tournaments.

Ups and downs of Simsoc. Maybe their will be a knight coming over the white mountain to fix it soon.

Mr Rideout

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its annoying  Empty Re: its annoying

Post by Claire rideout Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:52 pm

I'd love to help but I've got the stock take tomorrow

Claire rideout

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its annoying  Empty Re: its annoying

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